"Not your usual boring tour - a perfect blend of history and humour."

您是否厌倦了枯燥的讲解?渴望用一种充满趣味、信息丰富、与众不同的方式来探索美丽的剑桥?Terrible Tours 提供中文普通话导览服务,特别适合中国游客团队,带您感受这座学术圣地的独特魅力。

Beautiful photo of the sun behind View of King's College, Cambridge University, Cambridge - feature photo for the Top Places to Visit in Cambridge for Tourists

为什么选择 Terrible Tours?

Terrible Tours的创始人出生于剑桥,毕业于剑桥大学历史系,凭借专业的历史知识和一颗爱讲故事的心,将剑桥的丰富遗产和多彩文化呈现得生动有趣。Terrible Tours的导游由剑桥大学在读学生和剑桥本地人组成,我们致力于通过生动的讲解为您提供有充满趣味有别样收获的内容,为您分享最特别的剑桥历史、生活。






Terrible Tours 提供多种主题导览,满足不同兴趣游客的需求:

  • 剑桥趣味历史 (Curious Cambridge): 深入探索剑桥的历史与文化,了解那些著名打卡地、牛顿、霍金等学圣鲜为人知的有趣故事。
  • 剑桥鬼魅之旅 (Creepy Cambridge): 探索剑桥神秘色彩的一面,聆听专属于这座城市的古老传说和鬼故事。




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通过 Terrible Tours,深入了解剑桥,体验这座城市的独特魅力。

Terrible Tours, the best way to see Cambridge, is now offering guided tours in Mandarin!

Are you tired of boring lectures and longing for a fun, informative and different way to explore the beautiful city of Cambridge? Terrible Tours offers guided tours in Mandarin Chinese, especially suited to groups of Chinese travelers, to give you a unique experience of this academic mecca.

Why Terrible Tours?

Terrible Tours‘ founder was born in Cambridge and graduated from the University of Cambridge with a degree in History, and with his expertise in history and a love of storytelling, he brings the rich heritage and colourful culture of Cambridge to life. Terrible Tours’ tour guides are made up of Cambridge University students and Cambridge locals, and we are committed to providing you with a fun and rewarding experience through our lively guided tours.

Mandarin Guided Tours for Chinese Speaking Visitors

Our Mandarin guided tours are designed for groups of Chinese travelers and are designed to provide a comprehensive and accurate experience of the city of Cambridge. The guided tour covers the rich history of the University of Cambridge and its colleges, the stories behind the famous sights, and the unique cultural features of the city.

Whether you are travelling with family, friends or a group, we can provide you with a relaxed and valuable guided tour.

Diverse Guided Tour Options

Terrible Tours offers a wide variety of themed tours to meet the needs of travellers with different interests:

  • Curious Cambridge: Delve into the history and culture of Cambridge and learn about the famous places to visit and the lesser-known stories of academic gurus such as Isaac Newton and Stephen Hawking.
  • Creepy Cambridge: Discover the mysterious side of Cambridge and hear the city's ancient legends and ghost stories.

Whichever tour you choose, we will provide you with a professional and attentive service to help you better understand the history and culture of Cambridge.

Book your Mandarin Cambridge guided tour today!

Our Mandarin guided tours are perfect for group bookings, so come and invite your friends, family or colleagues for an unforgettable two hours.

👉 Click to contact us

Our Terrible Tours of cambridge

4 years old and every year we just keep getting worse!!!

Terrible, in a good way! We're rated 5 stars on Trip Advisor!

4 years old and every year we just keep getting worse!!! Booking now for Halloween 2024!!
(Terrible, but in a good way - we are 5* on Trip Advisor!
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