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New Cambridge map reveals the past beneath our feet

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Ever wondered what secrets lie beneath the cobbled streets and bustling colleges of Cambridge? Well, you're in for a treat! A brand-new historical map of Cambridge, spearheaded by the brilliant minds of local historians Tony Kirby and Elizabeth Baigent, has just been unveiled by the Historic Towns Trust. This isn't just any map – it's a time machine that overlays the rich tapestry of Cambridge's past onto its modern-day landscape. Get ready to uncover a thousand years of history, right beneath your feet!

New Cambridge map reveals the past beneath our feet

Imagine strolling through the city and suddenly realising that the pavement you're walking on was once part of a Roman settlement. Or that the market square where you’re enjoying a coffee was the bustling centre of medieval fairs where traders from all over England gathered. This map doesn't just show you where to go; it takes you on a journey through time, revealing how central Cambridge has been a crossroads of England for centuries.

From Roman roads to medieval religious foundations, every corner of central Cambridge has a story to tell. Thanks to the meticulous research by Kirby and Baigent, this map layers the city's ancient past onto its present, making it easy for us to visualise what Cambridge looked like in different eras. It’s like having a history book in your pocket, but way more fun!

The map is a culmination of years of hard work by the Historic Towns Trust, who have a long-standing tradition of creating these fascinating maps. Each one is a labour of love, packed with detailed historical research, cartographic expertise, and a passion for bringing history to life. This latest edition shines a light on Cambridge’s role as a major hub in England's story, from its Roman roots through to its medieval heyday and beyond.

Whether you're a history buff or just someone who loves a good walk, this map is an absolute must-have. It’s perfect for anyone who wants to explore Cambridge with fresh eyes and discover the layers of history that have shaped this iconic city. So next time you’re in Cambridge, don’t just wander aimlessly – take this map and unlock the city’s hidden past!

If you’re eager to dive even deeper into the fascinating process behind this map's creation and the history it uncovers, check out the Historic Towns Trust's full article here.

Happy exploring, and remember – history is all around us, especially in Cambridge!

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